
I grew up with seven best friends: four boys and three girls. We'd have sleepovers, run through sprinklers, tease the cat, and pray together. We're spread across the globe now, but we're still just as close as ever!

I'm pursuing my MS in Chemical Engineering with an emphasis in Combustion and Engineering Management. I'll be graduating (cross your fingers!) this December. To enhance my 'practical engineering skill' (if there is such a thing), I'm an independent engineering consultant.

I was raised on violin, love, and chocolate chip cookies. All the girls in my family play the violin, and we recently met up with our violin teacher while performing at Steve and Mindy's wedding!

I train for triathlons and marathons, and try to stay in shape for BYU intramural sports (soccer, volleyball, basketball, wallyball, wheelchair rugby, and inner-tube water polo). I've recently considered trying to train for the Olympics in triathlons...